Posted on 8/7/2022
Many WINDSOR LOCKS car owners have probably wondered: "What's the harm in putting off replacing an engine air filter? The answer is that not replacing it could cause your Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor to fail. This expensive sensor is situated between your engine air filter and your engine. Dirty air filters are a leading cause of mass air flow sensor failure – and these babies can cost several hundred dollars to replace in WINDSOR LOCKS.Change your vehicle air filter at Scata's Auto & Truck Repair when it's dirty. Your vehicle engine will thank you.Give us a call. Scata's Auto & Truck Repair535 SPRING STWINDSOR LOCKS, CT 060968606230449  
Posted on 7/3/2022
Myths passed around our WINDSOR LOCKS, CT community start with a grain of evidence and are then built up with a lot of imagination and very elastic logic. And the internet is a breeding ground for automotive myths. Some bloggers recall the vehicles of yesteryear and declare their modern decedents to be virtually maintenance free and that anyone who says otherwise is out to rip you off. To get the truth about auto myths you hear around the WINDSOR LOCKS area, come over to Scata's Auto & Truck Repair. Let's examine a couple of the more popular rants and look at the truth behind them.The first one is that the chassis no longer needs lubrication for suspension, steering and the driveline. They declare that anyone who has charged you for lubrication is a charlatan.The truth on which this myth is based is that many new vehicles come from the factory with sealed joints and cannot be greased. However, there are still some ... read more
Posted on 6/26/2022
If you've ever been driving around WINDSOR LOCKS and had a headlamp go out, you've probably just wanted to replace the bad bulb. If your car uses halogen headlamps, they dim over time. So if you just put in one, they won't have the same brightness, which can be distracting and will affect your field of vision.To have your headlights inspected, visit us at Scata's Auto & Truck Repair. We're at 535 SPRING ST in WINDSOR LOCKS, CT 06096. Or give us a call at 8606230449.Experts at Scata's Auto & Truck Repair recommend replacing your halogen headlamps every year. It's easy to remember if you do it when Daylight Saving Time changes in the fall. That way you'll have bright headlamps for those long CT winter nights.There are other types of headlamps in addition to halogen. There are the old standard bulbs that have been around for decades. These are OK, but you can usually upgrade to halogen. They cost a little more but you can't believe the difference. If you ... read more
Posted on 4/17/2022
We live such busy lives nowadays: work, social events, running the kids all over WINDSOR LOCKS. Some days it's all we can do to keep track of everywhere we need to be. That's why you've gotta be organized. Smartphones, calendar apps - we have to keep track of it all.So let's talk about schedules. Specifically, automotive service schedules. And particularly, the scheduled services that are sometimes forgotten.Here is a list of 10 service items that are often overlooked by WINDSOR LOCKS residents. They're all very important and need appropriate attention. So here we go, in no particular order.1. Power Steering ServiceBe honest; have you ever thought of this on your own? Your power steering fluid gets dirty and builds-up moisture over time. Cleaning out your power steering system means that dirt and gum are removed and your power steering parts are protected from corrosion. Next time you're in for an oil change, ask your Scata's Auto & Truck Repair service advi ... read more
Posted on 2/27/2022
In many places, license plates have to be renewed every year or else you can't drive your vehicle legally. Usually, you'll get a reminder from the agency that issues the plates. That kind of regular attention needs to be paid to your vehicle as well. Its manufacturer has determined a schedule of service items that need to be done regularly, just like renewing your plates. Some depend on time, others depend on distance. A perfect example is oil changes. It's the most important scheduled maintenance you can have done to give your engine its longest life possible. The manufacturer recommends the oil filter be changed at the same time. Here are some more items. Your engine air filter gets dirty and needs adequate air to run most efficiently. The manufacturer recommends an interval for replacing that. Also tires, brake pads, timing belt, oxygen sensor and other items require regular replacement. This is one of the reasons to find a servi ... read more
Posted on 2/6/2022
We live in such a disposable society. It's amazing all the stuff we throw away. New stuff comes out so fast, we just toss the old and move on. In the old days, CT folks were real sticklers about taking care of their things. If something got lost or ruined by neglect, tough - they had to do without. Most WINDSOR LOCKS drivers couldn't afford new vehicles very often, so they had to make them last as long as they could.It's a good thing that vehicles are more reliable these days. They just don't break down as often. And the good news for us CT penny pinchers is that a modern vehicle can easily go 200,000 miles/320,000 km with proper care. The engineering and the manufacturing quality is tremendous. The missing ingredient is us WINDSOR LOCKS vehicle owners making sure we follow the vehicle manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedules.Every time you go a little farther between recommended oil changes, you have created an opportunity for sludge to be formed and f ... read more
Posted on 12/13/2020
The government mandates a lot of equipment on cars in WINDSOR LOCKS, CT: emission devices and control computers, safety equipment like airbags and crash worthiness requirements. All of this is great for the WINDSOR LOCKS motoring public, but it does add quite a bit to the price of a new vehicle.Because new vehicles are more expensive, people in the WINDSOR LOCKS area are driving their old vehicles longer. The average vehicle is now over nine years old. Two thirds of vehicles on the road in CT have more than 75,000 miles (120,000 km) on them. As cars age, their performance drops, they have difficulty idling for long periods and are more sensitive to weather extremes. Fortunately today's cars are up to the challenge – but they need a little help to keep on goin'.Give Scata's Auto & Truck Repair a call at 8606230449 to schedule your next maintenance.Some owner's manuals don't specify service requirements at higher mileage. That doesn't mean it doesn't ... read more
Posted on 11/8/2020
Recently, Nissan introduced the latest version of its Leaf, the company's electric car. It has many new features, including something called e-Pedal. It allows the driver to let up on the accelerator and, unlike a gasoline engine car, the Leaf doesn't just slowly lose speed; letting off the throttle pedal brakes the car in a very controlled way, using regenerative and sometimes friction brakes. With practice, a driver can go for a fairly long time without touching the brake pedal. Another system, similar to those found in self-driving vehicles, can steer the car to keep it in the center of the lane using a camera and radar. It literally watches the lane markers and, of course, doesn't work well in snow that obliterates those markers. But the technology is impressive and can greatly reduce fatigue on long trips. In fact, much of this technology has "trickled down" from research on autonomous vehicles, such as adaptive cruise control that slows down your vehicle (even to a stop) if the v ... read more
Posted on 10/11/2020
Most WINDSOR LOCKS folks occasionally have days when they've got a bunch of errands to run. Yesterday was my day off and I needed to fill the gas tank, pick up some groceries at my WINDSOR LOCKS market, swing by the ATM and get the kids from school. I could have made four trips . . . but that would have been totally inefficient. Instead I got unusually organized and planned my stops. I hit the ATM first and got gas next. Then I went to the supermarket and picked up the kids on the way home. I was proud of my wise use of time and money.What does this have to do with your car? Well, back in the day, each of your engine's accessories, like the alternator and air conditioner, were powered by separate belts. A vehicle might have five or six belts. These days, vehicles have a single belt to run all the accessories. It's called the serpentine belt. A pulley attached to the vehicle engine's crank provides the power to turn the serpentine belt. On the engine in the video, the first accessory i ... read more
Posted on 5/24/2020

All WINDSOR LOCKS service advisors know that without the alternator, the battery will go dead in a few miles. The serpentine belt may also run the pumps for both the power steering and power brakes. And on many vehicles, the serpentine belt powers the water pump. The water pump circulates coolant through the engine to keep it within normal operating temperatures. (On some vehicles, the water pump is powered by the timing belt instead of the serpentine belt.) So you can see the serpentine belt does a lot of work. And it if breaks, it affects a lot of systems. That's why your vehicle manufacturer and your service advisor at Scata's Auto & Truck Repair have recommended that it be changed every so often so that it doesn't fail.Your friendly and knowledgeable Scata's Auto & Truck Repair service advisor can perform a visual inspection of the belt to see if it has any cracks that signal the belt could fail s ... read more