Posted on 6/7/2020
You swap your winter boots for flip-flops in the summer. Why not change your winter engine oil for summer, hot-weather oil? While it may seem like it makes sense, there's some good news. Most drivers don't have to, and here's why. Engine oil can be made in different thicknesses. That thickness is called viscosity, how easily it flows. Now, it makes sense that the hotter it gets, oil gets a little thinner and doesn't lubricate as well. So if you used a thicker oil in the summer, it's logical that it would protect better in the hotter weather. While there was a time when oils could be only made in one viscosity, times have changed. Using an ingenious formula, oil can now be created that changes its viscosity (called "multi-viscosity") as the temperature rises and falls. It self-adjusts to match the conditions. Now that's what I call a great invention. In most temperate climates, you don't have to swap out the type of oil you use ... read more
Posted on 5/31/2020
So your vehicle won't start. What's the first thing that comes to mind? Battery dead? Starter motor worn out? Out of gas? Well, those are all reasons that make sense. But your vehicle may be refusing to start because one of its computers is being warned that to do so might damage it. Here's how that works. You have lots of computers in your vehicle. They need to know the status of things so there are several sensors monitoring various things going on. These sensors send information to the computers that adjust the fuel and air mixture so you don't waste fuel. They know when things aren't quite right and prevent you from starting your engine if that's going to damage it. Other sensors make sure the coolant is the right temperature, check to see you are not polluting the air and make sure other electronic components are performing their tasks correctly. Here's an example of a sensor doing its job. Your engine needs oil to lubric ... read more
Posted on 5/24/2020

All WINDSOR LOCKS service advisors know that without the alternator, the battery will go dead in a few miles. The serpentine belt may also run the pumps for both the power steering and power brakes. And on many vehicles, the serpentine belt powers the water pump. The water pump circulates coolant through the engine to keep it within normal operating temperatures. (On some vehicles, the water pump is powered by the timing belt instead of the serpentine belt.) So you can see the serpentine belt does a lot of work. And it if breaks, it affects a lot of systems. That's why your vehicle manufacturer and your service advisor at Scata's Auto & Truck Repair have recommended that it be changed every so often so that it doesn't fail.Your friendly and knowledgeable Scata's Auto & Truck Repair service advisor can perform a visual inspection of the belt to see if it has any cracks that signal the belt could fail s ... read more
Posted on 5/17/2020
When properly aligned, all of your wheels are pointed in the same direction. Your vehicle will track true and handle the way it is designed. WINDSOR LOCKS drivers often associate our wheels being “knocked” out of alignment with an event like a major crash, hitting a pothole, curb or some other object. While these can certainly take your wheels out of alignment, the bumps and bounces of everyday WINDSOR LOCKS driving take their toll on wheel alignment as well. Your car can lose alignment over time with just normal driving. When your wheels are out of alignment, the team of automotive professionals at Scata's Auto & Truck Repair in WINDSOR LOCKS can return your wheels to the factory settings. Most owners’ manuals suggest an inspection every year or two.Give us a call.Scata's Auto & Truck Repair535 SPRING STWINDSOR LOCKS, CT 060968606230449
Posted on 5/10/2020
Today in the Scata's Auto & Truck Repair auto care blog, we're going to talk to WINDSOR LOCKS drivers about oil change intervals. It seems that as engine technology advances, oil change intervals become longer for Scata's Auto & Truck Repair customers. For example, recently four of the world's largest vehicle manufacturer's shortened the published intervals for several of their engine models. They originally published intervals that extended out to a much as 8,000 miles (13,000 kilometers).In real world WINDSOR LOCKS driving, the oil started to sludge up before the recommended change interval. Oil sludge is a thick jelly-like substance: quite literally petroleum jelly – like Vaseline. This goop was clogging vehicle small engine passages so the oil wouldn't flow to some parts of the engine. This resulted in engine damage. We see it too often at Scata's Auto & Truck Repair in WINDSOR LOCKS.The vehicle manufacturers began to offer an extended warranty to cover slud ... read more
Posted on 5/3/2020
Today's tires and wheels offer a lot of options for every WINDSOR LOCKS driver's style, habits and driving conditions.Tires are designed for high-performance in winter or summer and even come in a long-wearing variety for all CT seasons.WINDSOR LOCKS off-roaders should be excited about the options available to them as well. The tread on off-road tires is designed to handle the wear from bumps and rocks. The tires' high profile protects rims from damage.But what if you own an SUV but aren't interested in off-roading around CT? You can change out those high-profile beasts for a lower, wider look if it suits your style.Scata's Auto & Truck Repair tire professionals can offer great auto advice on how to choose tires that match your needs and style.If you just need to purchase new tires, a tire professional at Scata's Auto & Truck Repair can also help you select the tires that are best for your driving needs and habits. The right tires will protect you and your vehicle on the roa ... read more
Posted on 4/26/2020
Today at Scata's Auto & Truck Repair we want to talk with you about a very important safety issue. This automotive safety warning is coming from a very unusual source: fire fighting experts. You've probably heard of E-85 gasoline being offered in the WINDSOR LOCKS area. Some newer vehicle models are specifically built to run on E-85 – the rest are not. Does your vehicle use E-85 gasoline? Bring it down to Scata's Auto & Truck Repair at 535 SPRING ST in WINDSOR LOCKS, CT 06096, to find out, or give us a call to make an appointment by calling 8606230449. E-85 gasoline has been developed to fight air pollution and reduce oil consumption. E-85 fuel is a mix of 85% ethanol, a grain-base alcohol, and 15% gasoline. So-called Flex-Fuel vehicles are designed to use either normal gasoline or E-85 gas. The result is lower exhaust emissions to our local WINDSOR LOCKS community.All gas eng ... read more
Posted on 4/19/2020
Have you ever had an experience like this in WINDSOR LOCKS, CT? You drive through the one of those automatic car washes. When you get to the end, where the dryer is blowing, your Check Engine light starts flashing!You fear the worst, but within a block or two, the light stops flashing, but stays on. By the next day, the light is off.You wonder; "What was going on?" Well, it's actually a good lesson in how the Check Engine light works.Your air intake system has a sensor that measures how much air is coming through it. When you went under the high-speed dryer, all that air was blasting past the sensor. Your engine computer was saying, there shouldn't be that much air when the engine is just idling. Something's wrong. Whatever's wrong could cause some serious engine damage.Warning, warning! It flashes the Check Engine light to alert you to take immediate action.It stopped flashing because once you were out from under the dryer, the airflow returned to normal. Now the ... read more
Posted on 4/12/2020
The serpentine belt is aptly named since it snakes around under your hood. It may lack its namesake's fangs, but it sure packs a wallop when it breaks.The serpentine belt powers a lot of engine systems. It runs the alternator, which charges the battery; the water pump (on some vehicles), which cools the engine; the air conditioning, which cools the driver and passengers; and the power steering pump, which allows for easier steering. When the belt breaks, all of these systems shut down.Okay, so maybe you can live without air conditioning and power steering for a while, but your battery can't live very long without an alternator, and when the cooling system goes down, your vehicle engine will overheat. That's why WINDSOR LOCKS drivers should never wait to get a serpentine belt replaced.Serpentine belts are fairly inexpensive at Scata's Auto & Truck Repair in WINDSOR LOCKS. And they look downright cheap when you compare them to the cost of an overheated vehicle engine, a tow truck, time l ... read more
Posted on 4/5/2020
Screeching tires, crunching metal – it's an accident! If you've ever been in a car accident in WINDSOR LOCKS, even a minor one, you know how upsetting it can be. It's hard to think straight and know what to do.Let's review what WINDSOR LOCKS drivers should do in case of an accident:When an accident occurs, you should always stop. Leaving the scene of an accident in WINDSOR LOCKS is considered a crime - even if it's not your fault. And hit and run penalties are fairly severe, possibly resulting in steep fines, loss of your CT driver's license or even jail time.Your jurisdiction may require that you try to help someone who is injured by calling for help or performing first aid if you are able. Warn other motorists by putting out flares, using your flashers or lifting your hood. Call WINDSOR LOCKS emergency services as soon as possible. Tell the operator if medical or fire help is needed.You should always file a police report. It's tempting to skip this if eve ... read more